A happy face with a beautiful smile
What we offer
General Dentistry
- Cleaning and Fillings
- Tooth extractions
- Root canals
- Crown and bridges
- Dentures
- Night guards
- Dental emergencies
Cosmetic Dentistry
- Teeth whitening
- Tooth coloured fillings
- Veneers
- Braces & retainers
- Habit breaking appliances
- Space maintainers
- Invisalign
Kids Dentistry
- Diagnosis
- Comprehensive dental checkup and X rays
- Pediatric oral surgery
- General anesthesia
- Dentistry for children with special needs
- Diet & nutrition counselling
- Prenatal counselling for pregnant women
- Restorative dentistry
- fillings
- root canal treatment
- metal and aesthetic crowns
- Preventive dentistry
- Fluoride
- sealants
- silver diamine fluoride
- sports guards